
Pictured Above: The Southport Corridor in the 1970s. (图片来源:Explore Chicago)


Chicagoans in the 19th century poured north into 湖景镇的, an agricultural region known as America's celery capital. 新来的人把卡车农场变成了郊区的小区,并于1887年合并为一个城市. 湖景镇无法独立,在独立两年后投票加入芝加哥. The voters were "fools," 湖景镇的's mayor said, but it was done.

湖景镇的 grew into a prosperous industrial neighborhood, 泰华施公园大道(Diversey Parkway)和莱克伍德大道(Lakewood Avenue)沿线的铁路上都有工厂(你仍然可以看到铁路的痕迹). A few old businesses survive. 修道院山书店, founded by a German immigrant before the Fire, 还有丁克尔面包店, are some of the reminders of 湖景镇的's German community.

By the 1970s, 湖景镇的 boasted an unusual and shifting population. Old families of German and Swedish stock were joined by American Indians, 南方人, 拉美裔人, 同性恋者, hippies and Japanese Americans. Restaurants like Zum Deutschen Eck co-existed with hillbilly joints, 民间的酒吧, 墨西哥卷饼和变装皇后. 不知怎么的,一切都成功了.

湖景镇开始定期更换名字,这是中产阶级化即将到来的一个明显迹象. 新城、瑞格维尔、博伊斯敦、贝尔蒙特港、西雅园:有些标签被贴上了,有些没有. 湖景镇的 grew into the neighborhood it is today, a fashionable urban locale with a deep history and a future yet to be written.


The intersection of 林肯大街.阿什兰大道.和贝尔蒙特大道. 在30年代末. 这个湖景的简史是根据马修·尼克森的书《湖景》改编的. (图片来源:Calumet 412)

The intersection of 林肯大街.阿什兰大道.和贝尔蒙特大道. 在30年代末. This brief history of Lake View is based on the book “湖景”, 作者:马修·尼克森. (图片来源:Calumet 412)


Aladdin's Castle at Riverview Amusement Park. 在WBEZ的互动节目中了解更多关于河景游乐园的遗产. (照片:美国)

Aladdin's Castle at Riverview Amusement Park. 了解更多 about the legacy of Riverview Amusement Park 在这个交互特性中 从美国. (照片:美国)



罗斯科村在19世纪末开始作为一个社区,当时开发商购买了西部大道以西的土地,建造了“世界上最大的游乐园”." Also called Riverview Park, the park officially opened in 1903. ​

As visitors flocked to the park, businesses began to open along Belmont, 罗斯科, and Western to serve the thousands of visitors coming to the park each year. About half of these businesses were bars and taverns. A few dozen amusement park workers also moved to the area and built their homes.

The Village experienced its first boom in economic development around 1920. 框架房屋、砖砌和灰石砌的两套公寓如雨后春笋般涌现,使罗斯科村成为“一个值得去的地方”.”

Found in 罗斯科村 are plenty of Chicago's usual offerings—brownstones, 平房, and factory spaces converted into condos. Nicknamed "The Village Within the City,罗斯科街的主要商业大道提供了大量的当地餐馆和商店.


Schubas Tavern 曾经是一个“捆绑的房子”吗,” as indicated by the Schlitz sign that remains above its second-floor windows.

Schubas Tavern 曾经是一个“捆绑的房子”吗,” as indicated by the Schlitz sign that remains above its second-floor windows.


在芝加哥建筑中心的年度选择最全的加拿大28走势图地标内看一看 芝加哥开放日 10月.

The Athenaeum Theatre, 2936 N. 南安普顿的大街.

1911年开业, 雅典娜剧院是芝加哥最古老的连续运营的环形剧院. The German-American parishioners of St. 阿方索斯建造它是为了举办社区戏剧作品和德国民间歌剧. The building has long been a center for the arts. 它提供办公室, 排练空间和几个小工作室剧院为众多的表演艺术组织. 过去的几个租户,比如Lookingglass,已经变得非常有名了. 虽然1939年的一场大火烧毁了这座建筑,但美丽的大礼堂却毫发无损. It seats nearly 1,000 and retains its Old World elegance. (Credit: Chicago Architecture Center)

Beat Kitchen, 2100 W. 贝尔蒙特大街.

Beat Kitchen is one of Chicago’s premier music venues, also containing a restaurant and bar serving up food and drinks. Housed in an historic 1889 building, 它举办了许多本地和巡回乐队的首次演出,这些乐队被它亲密的舞台所吸引. 在任何一个夜晚, 你会发现朋克, 车库和流行乐队在舞台上表演,而常客在前面的酒吧里张贴. 它也是当地单口喜剧的中心,每周二举办每周一次的《来个加拿大28的APP》. (资料来源:Time Out Chicago)

星座,北纬3111度. 西方的大街.

2013年3月,芝加哥音乐家和艺术主持人迈克·里德(Mike Reed)在高架桥剧院(Viaduct Theater)的旧址上开设了Constellation. Launched in a unique partnership with Links Hall, 谁在建筑中共享空间,经常组织和制作跨学科的项目和活动, 星座迅速填补了城市文化景观的空白,提供了可靠的景观, high-end performance platform for jazz, 简易, 实验, and contemporary classical music. 每年, 600多名音乐家——其中大部分来自芝加哥地区——在Constellation举办了220多场音乐会. (Credit: Constellation Chicago)

Lane Tech, 2501 W. 艾迪生圣.

Lane Tech是一所大型的七年级到十二年级男女同校的公立高中. Since its beginning over one hundred years ago to the present, Lane Tech一直是芝加哥最杰出的教育机构之一. 直到20世纪30年代,Lane Tech作为一所男子手工培训学校才被改为大学预科学校. 目前的建筑坐落在一个美丽的30英亩的校园里,于1934年开放. In September 1971 female students entered Lane Tech’s doors for the first time. 如今,她们约占学生总数的一半,并帮助维持了莱恩理工的“冠军”传统. Continuing the tradition of excellence, 2011年9月, Lane Tech建立了一个为期六年的学术中心项目,从九年级到十二年级的学习项目转移到七年级到十二年级的学习项目. (Credit: Lane Tech College Prep High School)

Marshfield Trust and Savings Bank Building, 3301 N. 林肯大街.

这座覆盖着赤土的平铁建筑充分利用了其三角形建筑地块. Like many neighborhood banks from the 1920s, 马什菲尔德信托和储蓄银行采用了古典复兴风格的建筑来传达一种永恒和安全的感觉. Arcaded two-story arched windows extend across both street facades. The building contractor was Avery Brundage, who went on to be president of the international Olympic Committee. The ground floor now houses Arthur Murray 湖景镇的 Dance Center.

The Music Box Theatre, 3733 N. 南安普顿的大街.

1929年开业, 音乐盒剧院是芝加哥独立电影和外国电影的首选场所. 它拥有700个座位,是该市最大的全日制电影院. The Music Box Theatre presents 300 films annually, 从煽动性的纪录片到前卫的午夜表演,再到适合家庭的长歌.

舒巴斯酒馆,北纬3159. 南安普顿的大街.

历史悠久的舒巴斯酒馆, located at Southport and Belmont avenues, 曾经是一个“捆绑的房子”吗,” as indicated by the Schlitz sign that remains above its second-floor windows. 酿造公司在世纪之交建立并控制自己的酒吧, which sold only their products. Other Schlitz tied houses include the building that now houses Southport Lanes, and a building at 贝尔蒙特大街nue and Leavitt Street. (Excerpted from the book “Lake View,” 作者:马修·尼克森, Arcadia Publishing.)

St. 阿方索斯教堂(西元1429年. 威灵顿大街.

With its soaring central bell tower clad in weathered green copper, St. Alphonsus has been a prominent feature of the six-way intersection of Southport, Lincoln and Wellington since 1896. The parish was founded by the Redemptorist Fathers in 1882. It was a major center of Chicago's north-side German community. 哥特式复兴风格的内饰以皇家蓝色的天花板为特色,天花板上有尖顶拱门和星爆图案的金色罗纹. This ceiling was restored after a 1950 fire. Murals, statuary, stained glass and bas-reliefs round out the rich interior. 邻近的雅典娜剧院——最初是一个德国社区中心和民间歌剧剧院——仍然归教堂所有. (Credit: Chicago Architecture Center)

Wahl-Eversharp Pencil Factory Lofts, 1800 W. 罗斯科圣.

查尔斯·鲁德·基兰于1915年3月9日获得了我们现在所说的机械铅笔的专利. 他与芝加哥沃尔加法机器公司签订了一份合同,在位于1800w的工厂大楼里生产Eversharp铅笔. 罗斯科圣. Wahl also entered the pen business by buying Boston Fountain Pen Company. It remained a major player throughout the 1940s, 但是,在试图进入当时刚刚出现的圆珠笔领域时,一系列失误严重伤害了该公司. In 1957 the Parker Pen Company acquired Eversharp. The Eversharp name was used for a time, 但没过几年,长毛笔和铅笔就停产了. 前历史地产开发商罗伯特·芬尼根(Robert Finnigan)曾提到1800 W的老厂房. 罗斯科圣. as "an island surrounded entirely by residential property." That was just before he and business partner Calvin Boender began renovations, in 1988, to transform the then-64-year old building into new loft condos. 今天, 罗斯科村铅笔工厂阁楼(罗斯科村 Pencil Factory loft)是该社区最令人羡慕的房产之一, with units rarely available but quickly snatched up when they are. (Credit: Industrial 历史 and Pencil Factoy Lofts)